With PURCRAFT Stand-alone Systems you can upgrade your pump or proportioner with a heated hose system which is independent from your existing equipment.
Intentionally we developed the “plug-and-spray” system to work with the smaller GRACO proportioners E-8p, E-10 and E-10HP which do not have an inbuilt heated hose system even though a heated hose makes application a lot more effective.
However, you can use the PURCRAFT Stand-alone system no matter what you want to pump through the hoses – Isocyanates, Polyols, Epoxy, Paint, Glue, Bitumen, Chocolate, Honey, or whatever other field of application. The independent heated hose system maintains the temperature of the material inside the hose, reduces the viscosity and saves you time and raw materials.
PURCRAFT Stand-alone systems consist of a heated hose upon your specs with one or more inbuilt temperature sensors and a plug-in temperature controller from 90V-250V and 8-40Amps rating.
For the hose you can define the parameters diameter, length, pressure rating, temperature rating, voltage, chemical resistance, and armoring.
Custom label is available upon request.